In this video we look at our phase diagram completely miscible metals and so it's a relatively simple phase diagram compared to the ones we can have when we have partial miscibility but...



bjbj Reporter: Dot com, dot nets, they are some of the most common domain names, but, get ready to add more to that list. You can now apply for, well, dot almost anything. For example, Coca Cola could...



This week in Canberra, I successfully sponsored a motion in the Senate, together with Independent Senator Nick Xenophon and National Party Senator John Williams, otherwise known as...



Today, we will be discussing lance profile. Lance profile means change in lance distance as a function of time. So, what I have done in the plot, I have plotted say lance distance against blow time....
So, in the last lecture, I have told you something about the alternative charge material in the electric arc furnace. There I have said three different types of charge materials are there in the...



So, we continue our lecture on process technological operating practice. In that sequence, we will be discussing today foamy slag practice. As I have already explained, what is a foamy slag and how...
We continue our discussion from the last lecture, where we were discussing the casting defects, introduced during ingot casting. Now, another defect, which is very prominent, for example, blow holes....



In the next few lectures, I will be discussing on solidification and casting of steel. Under this, we will be discussing principles of solidification, then, casting processes and then, final,...



(Image source: Bloomberg / Andrew Harrer) BY CHRISTIAN BRYANT Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers withdrew his name from consideration for the next Federal Reserve Chairman Sunday. Summers,...
Will there be applause When the curtain falls? If all the world's a stage... ...and all our lives but plays... ...and all we say just lines... ...said before, a thousand times or more. So Mr...

