If all morality comes only from the bible then Christians should be able to eat other people. No where in the bible does it say that eating the flesh of another person is evil. In Leviticus it does...
I have something important to tell you about, and it has to do with your money and your government. Before I make a claim about a despicable practice ... (if you will a perfect storm of good-old-boy...



One near you Bizarre and weird Strange and eerie events Gruesome incident Fierce hatred Curse Curse Strange psychical phenomena You can not go home again There are seven waterfall in the mountains...



It tastes like real meat. If you taste it, you'd like to eat it every day. You wanna see a piece? The legacy of civil war in Liberia is staggering. It's the 4th poorest country in the...
Where are we right now? This is the Central Monrovia Cemetery. After the war, the ex-combatants went into crime and they were looking for hideouts. Nowhere for them to stay. So this is the cemetery...



So after meeting and being freaked out by General Bin Laden we wanted to see what the U.N. and the government were doing to rebuild Liberia So we met a local journalist named Nagbe and we asked him,...
A few years ago we did an article in Vice Magazine called, "Gen. Butt Naked vs. The Tupac Army." About a particularly fierce Liberian warlord called Butt Naked who fought naked, his...
wife's David Gregory over the weekend I meet the press I was you know having the same conversation that they've been having about the shut down the political machinations around that I...
Four days later I was arrested. I really felt relieved. I thought, "Now I can finally communicate with people." I was interrogated by three psychiatrists. They concluded I was...