When it comes down to it... you have to know what it is you believe... you have to know how much of yourself you're willing to give... I need you to steal something for me. BOOM! CLINK! I...
[laughter] Eleanor Wachtel: No. Michael Ondaatje: You could have had over a thousand by now. EW: No. For the longest time, I didn't know what I wanted to be either. And if you're......
Hi, welcome back. And guess what? I've raised the hackles of some of my Twitter followers. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll notice that periodically, throughout the day I will...
Hi I'm Lorna Suzuki and I'm the author of the "Imago Chronicles" and "The Dream Merchant Sagas". I'd like to welcome you to the first of...
There's a study that was conducted by Trans PULSE Canada in Ontario between 2009 and 2011 -- the largest study on trans people that has ever been done in Canada. And in this study they found...
CANADA DOUG: Hi, I'm Canada Doug-ay and I was in like, Ontario. But Ontario, California, not the Ontario Canad-ay. And I was doing a curling bonspiel... Um, which most people don't...
PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. We're continuing our series with Yves Engler, the author of the book The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper's...



James in Orlando West Virginia hey James soloist or thanks for taking my call and thank you for a free speech TV lace detail the the truth about lost efforts these other stations are adding a I lived...
Hi, welcome back again. I'm Lorna Suzuki and if you missed the news last week, I've been invited to the Emerald City Comicon and for me, this is huge. If you don't know about...
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