hello everyone and thank you for having me here today i'm very happy to be here today public speaking now i have a lot of facts and figures to get through so you'll have to bear with...
MUSIC UP AND UNDER LEE: 6 children, 44 years... SUPER: Real people aware their comments may appear in advertising. MORTY: It's been a happy union. LEE: He does laundry, and I do the cleaning....
>> CUTTS: Biz in the USA asks, "Is there a way to benefit from content scraped from your site?" Well, if you make sure that the pages on your site link to you or, you...
What I want to do in this video is think about how far can I see from the window of a plane when a plane is at its cruising altitude. And just to give us some numbers to work with, let's just...
Till when are you going to??? - Did you say a spy? - It seems they suspect me We don't have much time You talk big, but you won't last a day -Oh I'm so frustrated Bong Woo...



TOBY ORD: I'm Toby Ord. And I'm here today from Oxford University, where I'm a research fellow in philosophy. And also I'm the president of an organization called...
[Questioner] Animals are not supposed to be self realized. I feel that they are also aware. So really exactly what's the difference between animal and man regarding this aspect? [Sadhguru]...