the president is pushing the trans-pacific partnership there's a trade deal that is potentially disastrous for the american people actually for the sovereignty now love the United States were...
Hi Randy Biggs here, Thanks for watching this video, let me start by saying this. How different will your life be in just 1 year. By the way, if you watch this video all the way to the end,...
Here's a quick test of your powers of perception. There are two red files and two green files. Count how many times this red file is passed from one person to another in the next 20 seconds....
In a fight that beated me down... a defeat that brought me along. Need time, give me time. I'm gonna fight, just wait and see. Need to know who I am. It's too late to fight here....
Any questions or comments anyone has? I did a lot of talking in the first part so... Let me see if I've got this process right. If I look at something and I know it's either going to...
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