Camille paglia

All objects, all phases of culture are alive. They have voices. They speak of their history and interrelatedness. And they are all talking at once!
I was the first to advocate the Web. But I am very troubled by this thing that every kid must have a laptop computer. The kids are totally in the computer age. There's a whole new brain operation...
The 1990s, after the reign of terror of academic vandalism, will be a decade of restoration: restoration of meaning, value, beauty, pleasure, and emotion to art and restoration of art to its audience.
Our presence in Afghanistan is not worth the price of any more American lives or treasure.
I am waiting impatiently for the day when beleaguered, like-minded academics can order James Wolcott's collected essays for their classes.
I consider myself not a conservative libertarian but a radical '60s libertarian.
Younger women have no problem in reconciling beauty with ambitions as a professional woman.
Throughout history, ambassadors have always been symbolic incarnations of the sovereignty of their nations and the dignity of their leaders.
Heaven help the American-born boy with a talent for ballet.
Ever since Romanticism, an oppositional mode, artists have the right, and indeed the duty, to attack social convention. But it is ridiculous and in fact self-infantilizing for them to expect to be...