I know how to treat my voice to make it sound as good as it possibly can - which is still not that good.
I'm not angry, I'm not an angry person, but I do sometimes like playing with the perception of anger, as in pretending that I'm more angry than I actually am, and sometimes it works quite well.
The thing is, any time anyone invades anyone on stage, the invader always looks really bad no matter what point they're proving - obviously that applies to myself too.
I'm not trying to be a celebrity, Justin Timberlake kinda guy.
Reaching the height of 6 ft. 5 in.; I never expected to be that tall. I just shot up.
There are a lot of mindless moments in my tunes.
I'm not good at interviews, I'm not good at dancing, I'm not good at looking like I'm having fun. I never will be, I don't think. Unless I go to a life coach.
There's only so much you can do with a male voice in dance music.
To throw a shoe at a man in Dundee is the equivalent of a kiss on the cheek and an embrace in London. Dundee is a very different place; they have their own rules.
I have legendary massive breakfasts at hotels. I don't hold back. I'll get there at 7A.M. and I'll be the last out at 11 A.M., having gone up and down the buffet seven times.