temple and he is now join newt gingrich in a in announcing that he is officially exploring running for president in twenty twelve but it was so tired of these i'm exploring the idea of...
My parents called me Hugh after after a friend of theirs who was my brother's Godfather. This always confused me. I thought he was my Godfather and as he was not it might be one of the reasons...
on a brilliantly clearly Icelanding day it's easy to see the eruptions from the volcano that has caused so much chaos but not far away a glacier on top of one of Iceland's most...
Doctors have high hopes that a new drug called anacetrapib might possibly save lives in the future. At least 1,600 patients took part in a limited trial of the drug, with some taking anacetrapib and...
Chris Slattery founded EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers in 1985 in Manhattan, it has grown to 12 locations, and Chris joins us now. Hey, Chris, thanks for calling in. Chris Slattery: My pleasure....
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remember shall be the uh... the senator from alabama republican says i as pork barrel spending spa hop adjustment in corvallis petty out that this is out of control the spending's out intro...



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I can't believe this. I got to sober you up. Come on. ( doorbell rings ) ( whooshing sound ) Thank you. Uh, on Earth, Don't worry. Oh, thanks. That felt real nice. Now see? See how...



At that time, the king said, "if you want to run the government, you have to see traces of history left by a well-run society and a confused society." (23/06/28) So, we would like to...

