California photographer

[ Silence ] >> So welcome everyone, I'm Catherine Powell, the Director of the Labor Archives and Research Center here at San Francisco State. We are hosting today's...
Jodi Arias' murder trial has featured a string of steamy revelations about her sex life with ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, who was shot and stabbed in 2008. The lurid details continued to...
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my name is Andy from Macpherson Photography. Just wanted to make this video to say that in about two weeks we'll be Philadelphia wedding photographers. We're moving our business up to...
If a bed & breakfast inn is not the experience you are looking for, and you'd would like to camp...Van Damme State Park might be the ticket. Just 3 miles south of Mendocino Headlands...
Every fall in the Bay Area, something special happens that very few people ever have the opportunity to experience. It's something completely natural and commonplaye, yet it sounds like...
TAKE FIVE/ Gina Patnaik My name is Gina Patnaik and I'm a graduate student in the English Department here at Berkeley. My dissertation is on post-conflict narratives in the 20th Century and,...
when you're taking pictures of pets you can do a lot of great things with your point of view and by that I mean where you are with your camera in relationship to the pet so you can do some...
It's really important when you're setting up a photo session with a dog to talk to the owner about the pets needs. Some animals may not do well with flashing strobe lights. They could...
Now no matter if you've chosen to shoot in a studio or at your house or on location somewhere. It;s almost always best to have the owner present. They can have a lot more control over the...