Well, I found him on the corner of Seventh and Main In the Iowa township of Sloan (Township of Sloan...) He's tired, and he's hungry, he's old, and he's grungy And parked in a no-parkin' zone Well I...
Just another Texas bus stop Texas never seems to end On my seventh cup a' coffee Waitress, hit me once again Gotta date in Colorado With the woman in my life I've seen enough of fairgrounds An'...
Come ride with me cowboys I'll tell you a story Out where the whoopin' cranes fly I'll show you the white bones Of giants in sandstone Out where the wind never dies Come sit by the campfire I'll sing...
It's 4 A.M., and I'm a hundred miles from breakfast in Wyomin' I'm not complainin' I got the radio on, playin' on a station from New Orleans An' now it's rainin' I'm makin' time, tryin' ta keep it...
Breaker, one-nine, this here's the Duck again. You got a copy on me Pig Pen, c'mon? Ah, negatory, Pig Pen, there ain't no way out 'cept for that one Atlantic Ocean. Now listen, drop them hogs off in...
Well, packin' on back to Jackson Eighteen-thirty-an'-six Fifteen wagons an' forty-five orn'ry mules Packin' on back to Jackson Workin' the beaver trail Ten more moons an' we gonna rendevous Jackson...
Me an' RJ an' the kids was on a camp-out in the mountains, and we had us one'a them U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep cars which we rented from a fella by the name of Kubozke for thirty bucks a day, buy your gas...
One day about four or five years ago We is settin' at the Conoco station Kickin' tires, and swattin' flies, And discussin' the State of the Union When right out in front of the Baptist church Come a...
Well, it's a long, lonesome road Through the lifetime of a trucker But me and my good ol' friend here We gonna make it It's a long-haulin' road And the load of life is heavy But me an' this good ol'...
Well, Interstate 80, we was cuttin' the fog Just me an' old Sloan (Old Sloan's my dog) We had an eighteen-wheeler with ten on the floor and stereo layin' a strip Now we spied a sign, says "Eat...