a couple of things i want to mention here sharon angle is taking some heat for talking about some latinos location and you can even really tell whether they're latino were not it's a...
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Antlers are powerful weapons for male whitetail deer, and even coyotes give mature bucks a wide berth when they’re in hard horn. The biggest bucks command respect from all wildlife that share their...
[Verse 1: Young Chris] This brand new machine Now it's time to turn these nightmares into dreams You can watch me on the screen Watch me on the screen, got that product for the fiends All the...
Within the heat wave, a goddess alights Now no longer lonely, grant my wish I'm going mad in this overwhelming emotion, consoled many times I sin and wait anxiously for punishment, just...
GRANT: January 8th and when you watch this episode, deer season will be officially closed in Missouri. But Adam and I aren't depressed because we'll start right in with our post-season...
GRANT: (Whispering) I drilled him. I mean, I drilled him right in the heart. GRANT: Very exciting week here at The Proving Grounds as we get close to the oldest buck on the property. A buck we call...
GRANT: Knowing the stage of the rut is a huge factor in punching your buck tag. That information really helped Kable as he tagged a great Indiana buck. KABLE: (Whispering) You on him? You on him?...
My name is Mirande Buck and I am completing my masters degree in social work and this is my last year. I work full-time as a foster care licensing specialist for St. Aemilian-Lakeside. And then...
How are you all doing Youtube? Today I'm going to hit you up with a serious note. A lot of my subscribers and commentors they been hitting me up because they are sad. they sad that they have...