Here, I have called this a car coat. You can call it a barn jacket, a farm jacket. There's many, many, many different names for it. Car coat is what I title it, because in my mind I envision...
The idea behind this assignment is to change and expand an existing sketchbook. We've taken a black, anonymous, inexpensive sketchbook, but you can start with any book that you instinctively...
One of the exercises that can help you train your eye to look at things the way they actually are instead of just drawing say symbols of the way you remember them to be is called a blind contour. What...
After you get passed doing just plain exercises, you're going to do one more. It's halfway in between exercise and an actual drawing because what we're going to do, is...
Hi, I'm Simbie Yau. I'm an illustrator. I graduated from the University of Lincoln. Today, I'm just going to be showing you how to draw objects. Now, I'm going to...



them highs bowling cheer easy sketch pro misled two species of were has helped me generates homes a thousand dollars in sales my last three product launches now let me explain exactly what brings if I...
So if you're watching these videos you'll probably notice that I tend to sketch in really rough lines, and I don't worry about the final details. I don't worry about...
This quick video shows the features of GoBasicNode, one of the node classes that come ready to use in GoDiagram. GoBasicNode has a text label a graphic and port. the label can be editable and the...
she would you like your logo here or here what about here ;put your logo virtually anywhere with the product design center our user-friendly product design center allows you to completely customize...
Our next neckline, the funnel neckline is a real blast. Ha! Ha! Ha! Just kidding. Funnel neckline is almost like a turtleneck, but there's not going to be the slouch. Typically, where these...