Visitors to the Virginia Air and Space Center in Hampton on a recent Friday night were greeted by an ice sculpture a stunning crystalline likeness of a Space Shuttle. The occasion? A special...
[ Music ] >> [Background Music] Good morning. This is Mission Control Houston. Welcome and and thank you for joining us for today's edition of Space Station Live this Monday,...



[ Silence ] >> Amiko Kauderer: Good morning. Welcome to the International Space Station Flight Control Room. It's a busy day aboard the International Space Station today. I have...
[ Silence ] >> Amiko Kauderer: Hi, welcome to the International Space Station Flight Control Room. It's been quite a day, yesterday, -- and it continues to be quite a day....
The world is full of good news. The following are just a few ... Argentine President Christina Fernandez announces an increase in state pension payments that will benefit approximately 10 million...
>>Theresa Bierer: Flagstaff is well known for its research on Pluto, what many people don't know is that Pluto has thousands of neighbors in a region of our solar system called...
One of the most powerful supercomputers in the world has now been fully installed and tested at its remote, high altitude site in the Andes of northern Chile. This marks one of the major remaining...
Welcome to Montegancedo observatory. We are inside the dome. It is one of the seventeen telescopes of the Gloria network. This is the model LX 200 which can be operated remotely. The types of...
It is located at the NASA’s Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex. The Complex has 6 big antennas used to communicate with space missions in the Solar System One of the 34-meter antenna, DSS-61,...
DEMONEX begins bias and dark frame calibrations. Look at the white screen behind DEMONEX. You can see thin clouds from outside. This is because it serves as a projection screen for a pinhole camera...