To begin I'm going to go over just some basics, which are, I'm using a pen that I'm dipping into the ink, I'm wiping the edge of the pen on the rim of the ink bottle,...



When you start thinking about planning a page, I think it's important to put your pen down, and pick up a pencil or a marker, and think about how you would visualize this project. In other...
Purchasing packets of seedsis one of the most inexpensive ways we gain a variety of flowers and vegetables for our gardens, without the hefty price tag. One simple tip for maintaining your “library...
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Hi I'm Ann Myrick and I'm going to show you today how to organize a bookshelf. We are in a office and there are a lot of books which I really like. In my opinion books need to be in a...
Displaying your collection can be done in a number of different ways I'm mean it isn't a thing that you would choose yourself how to display. But when you define your collection and...
Now I'm going to talk a little bit of decoration without getting into glazing. I work with a lot of stamping and I have a couple of tiles here that they are stamped with these metal tools....
I've been designing for just over forty years I spend nearly all my life outside and my daugthers got a farm so I spend a lot of time there I breed rare breed chickens I was very luck I was...
Your resources and books general books like Schroeder's antique price guide will have some information it will give you the basic information about where this came where these dishes came from...
The cool brands collective I guess are interesting in lots of different ways some are stylish, some have originality I think maybe above all else, unique and special and yes so its great to say Graham...