היום ב21:00 דניאל התקשר לארז והם קבעו ללכת לסנוקר הם הזמינו גם את אורי, מנש ואדם. אחרי הסנוקר הם תכננו לראות סרט אצל דניאל אבל אורי הזמין יותר מדי צ'יפס במונארך ולא היה לו כח לסרט אז מה בסוף...



vo výškach žiari jej tvár (her face shines in the skies) ma belle Evangeline to nie je svetluška (but that's not a firefly) viem, že mi patrí ten dar (I know this gift belongs to me) srdce...



čo je to so mnou? (what's the matter with me?) myslela som, že sa poučím (I thought I already learnt my lesson) je veru blázon kto si myslí, že ďalšia z chýb na mňa čaká (whoever thinks...



當個真男人!! 如果你的血是一滴以上的話 那就上吧 奈德麗小姐你在幹嘛啊 暑假強力回歸 別打我啦... 廢物 這艾希偵探真不錯 (在英文是 Rock 跟 Cxck 的音近字梗 請自行猜想在硬什麼) 墨菲特看起來就像「我很硬 來啊」的樣子 這是我的起手道具 這是我的主裝備 如果上面都不可以的話 出這邊的 很多想法啊~~ 讓我來示範草草逃生術 草草逃生~~ 草草逃生!! 草草逃生世界強 超強戰術 第二...
Hello, my name is Kasper This is Simon - Hi, I´m Simon, we are hammered drunk - We have been drinking a little too much What can I? I can... I hope that I have made this thing rewind I mean record,...
Despite the season of heavy rainfall, Japanese forces continue to push through the sun state of Burma Woo Mandalay. Allied forces reported the use of special Japanese ghost soldiers. Who are said to...
Damas y Caballeros Este es el Resort de Disney All Star Music Por favor recojan sus pertenencias Cuiden sus cabezas y miren donde pisan mientras descienden y tomen a los niños de la mano gracias por...



This time, This place Misused, Mistakes Too long, Too late Who was I to make you wait Just one chance Just one breath Just in case there's just one left 'Cause you know, you know, you...
Once upon a time there were three little pigs who had lived with their mom for very many years. One day their mom couldn't afford to keep them in the house anymore and piggies were distraught...