Okay so you're still in a panic about what to wear. Well don't worry. I'm going to give you some great tips for where to find out what you should wear to the job interview. One...
Gilliver: Hello, and welcome to the YouTube Symphony Orchestra masterclass for the cello. My name's Rebecca Gilliver, and I play principal cello in the London Symphony Orchestra. We're...
(Jn 16:22) Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit; And you now therefore have sorrow: Traurigkeit sorrow Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit; And ye now therefore have sorrow: aber ich will euch wiedersehen, but I will see...



Now let's go into the third line okay? Same rhythms okay that dotted quarter with the eighth and the next two eighths. So let's dive right in. Play along with me. Or listen okay and...



Second line, one and two okay? So let's go in. An E, all right, fourth finger, then you see this line because it came through fourth measure it's extending okay, so you keep going and...



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Summer Hall at the Bach Museum. I'm delighted to see such a big audience. 'The True Art' is the motto of this year's Bachfest....



The face from the mirror Is nothing but a shadow Of what your absence left behind See your sea of promises Turn to draining pool of lies As sorrows takes it's bride I'm the virus in...
you'll notice that we're sitting in a semi-circle and really the audience completes that circle for us and within this music world you have this incredible responsibility and integrity...



Do not pour forth your love-enflamed songs' Tuneful sounds so loudly, Down from the blossoming branch of the apple tree, O Nightingale! With your sweet throat, you call me and Awaken Love...



THE SILENCE What does that mean? I don't know. - What are you Iooking at? - Your feet. Why? They waIk you around... aII on their own. Hadn't we better try to get hoId of a doctor? -...