Ah, 2013, how quickly you came and went. And now it is that time of the year to honor the best of the best K-pop acts. With 15 categories. From best rookie group to best female group to the most...
Find your grade by using your Student ID Student ID is on your lunch card and sometimes printed on progress reports Follow the row across the page. Pay special attention to "*" and...
Hello everyone. In this video we are going to take a closer look at the Navigation Controller the PlayStation Move companion required to play some games as a more comfortable alternative to the...
Amy: Yay Endy: nice *Kp Tone* Saxon: Booya Endy: So awesome Marc: Leah, don't you still have that ringtone? Leah: Um, I dunno. I think I erased it off my iphone Amy: I have it Amy: I have it....
e-Boks is the solution for less paper and better organisation. e-Boks provides you with a personal mailbox on the internet where you can receive store and archive important letters and documents. You...



Hey geeks it’s miller your host from accessorygeeks.com. Today mark day 8 over here on the twelve day of geekmas for accessorygeeks.com. Today we’re offering 5% off all premade bundles. Giving their...
♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪ ♪ Let's fight an epic battle ♪ ♪ Faceoff and spin the metal ♪ ♪ No time for doubt now ♪ ♪ No place for backing down ♪ ♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪...
Tatiana Shmailyuk, vocalist of JINJER band Why did you choose such a heavy kind of music? Living in Gorlovka. I don't know, possibly I should have done some depressive trip-hop or something...



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