PRESENTER: Morning, everybody. We're going to switch gears a little bit here. Is my mike on, everybody can hear me pretty well? Bruce and I are going to nerd it up a little bit and...
Hello, this is Erica Reyes with Academic Technology and Creative Services. Today, we will discuss how to grade an assignment in SacCT. There are three primary ways to grade an assignment: through the...



The Calendar Activities. The Calendar of Activities in the syllabus is created as a table for two reasons. First, it organizes all the assigned work so students can see, at a glance, everything they...
Inside of Koding, type in help to access the help system which return a list of options to choose from. Since we only want a guide on phpmyadmin, go ahead and type in help phpmyadmin. We don't...
Erik: What fascinates you the most about startup culture? Bijoy: I think that startups are the modern heroes’ journey, and so you see the evolution of this journey happen in the same way that Joseph...



in this tutorial i'm going to talk about the auto completion feature in sublime text 2 This will cover how to trigger it how to manually bring up the list and finally how to change the default...
[Content_Types].xml <*kR r1/C4^ h"|x gsld >(hVD _rels/.rels A$>"f3 .b*lI word/_rels/document.xml.rels =loO.Y $m.+gA aG;_K word/document.xml r(#ig Tb&2]l...
The subtitles are activated. This tutorial should help you to install your CycloDS iEvolution. Technically you can update it this way, too but there is no update for the card. In addition, you can...



My name is Yulian Yordanov from Bulgaria. This is a presentation of my final project for CS50x. It's an web application a simple searching tool for finding recent images in Flickr from a given...
They said it couldn't done. My colleagues at the program thought that I couldn't get a major endorsement for the mentoring program I was developing but with a few phone calls and...

