Hi. I'm Trudi Tapscott, and I think that one of the things that has had a history in walking and runway and fashion shows is the turn. And if you go back in history and look at shows from...
Reflections of Light, Mr. Turtle. This is the first in the Reflection series. The dominate elements in this painting are the reflections on the water. There are patches of water which reflect the blue...
The Cubism Hello there! What do you think about my new painting? And here we have the original painting, painted by Pablo Picasso. and this is how he looked, Picasso. Pablo Picasso was a Spanish...



The business started out as PCA-Professional Consulting Associates, LLC and in 2010, we started really focusing on who we were working with and that was primarily a public sector or public service...
Well actually that focuses on what we call the five keys and those five keys are what we call the five keys to bridging relationships and building leadership in ourselves and in others and those five...
Our purview is that regardless of how high you get in an organization, you always will have three responsibilities and that is of leadership, management and supervision. Unfortunately sometimes we get...
>> TAYLOR: What excites me about teaching is what I call the light bulb mentality. Which is when you take a student that does not know material that you are trying to present to them,...
ANCHOR>> New information tonight on the missing Malaysian jetliner. The country's prime minister now says the plane was deliberately diverted. He says it continued flying for...
(Lights Out) He rises to the occasion, he never worries his weary feet to fall/creator, leader, follower of the greater paths before him/signs of pictures read in the eyes of the listener/painter,...



How to Paint a Geometric Form Composition Using Tempera Paint Demonstrated by Keith Opstad This video has been edited to shorten the overall length and file size. It was originally a twenty-five...