If you know you're supported, you're going to work harder, you're going to be more focused on your mission.
Fiscal responsibility and government reform are going to be good themes for governing, well at any time, but particularly coming out of a recovery.
I think the more we embrace the culture of life and respect life, the better that we do.
I don't think the objective of an abortion clinic is to try to talk women out of having the procedure. That obviously would not be positive for their bottom line.
I am all for using business - public and private - to expand healthcare coverage.
Informed consent is required for every invasive medical procedure, from getting your ears pierced to having an abortion.
Besides the healthcare bill being unconstitutional and a great expansion of federal government, I think if it does not respect people's individual religious views and makes groups or individuals do...
Jobs are what give people a sense of fulfillment and self-reliance.
People want results. I call it 'results oriented conservatism,' R.O.C. because that's what people want out of government.
The citizens must be certain that the governor is attending to the duties for which he was elected.