Blog, social media & marketing

4 Pillars of Social Media Marketing – Soc Med Mags Fbk The critical elements that make up the foundation of any effective social media marketing campaign. Social networks give you marketing tools to...
Hi, this is David Ahn, social media manager at SMMU, and I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving Break. As most of you know by now, we recently rolled out updates to two of our most popular...
Hi, this is John Souza and I'm the Chief Strategist here at Social Media Marketing University. Welcome to Pinterest for Success Week. On our weekly Inner Circle calls we receive a lot of...
3 Most Wanted Tips For Effective Social Media Marketing 1 : Creating unique profiles in Social Networks 2 : Don’t try to sell anything in the Social Networks 3 : Don’t leave any social media profiles...
Hi everyone, this is David Ahn, and I am the social media manager here at SMMU. Our newsletter topic this week focuses on LinkedIn. As many of you know, LinkedIn is the top social network for...
Hi this is Gil Valzania and I'm a marketing intern here at Social Media Marketing University. Welcome to Blogging for Business Week. Some of you may ask,"Why should I start a blog for...
Hello everyone this is John Souza, CEO and Founder of Social Media Marketing University. This is Twitter week and welcome to our newsletter. We're going to talk about three main things this...
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