Jai: Najgorsze koszulki jakie kiedykolwiek mieliśmy założone. Luke: Załóż ją. Luke: Tak lepiej. Luke: Wydaję swoje pieniądze na koszulki a nawet jej nie chcesz założyć. Luke: Skup się. Jai: Co ty...
La cantidad de pastillas que estoy tomando, contrarresta el alcohol que estoy bebiendo. Y esta vanidad que estoy rompiendo ME PERMITE VIVIR MI VIDA ASÍ. Y me parece díficil quedarme, con las palabras...
Empuja tu preocupación, empuja a un lado tu carga Borra todo de adentro y deja una sola cosa en tu mente Sólo vives una vez, ¡así que vuélvete jodidamente loco! !Vamos! Vive la vida dura Vive la vida...



wow, such a low quality, oh now it's fine Take a photo with my phone too I'm making a video not taking pictures, you know that right? Don't do a video! What? hehe, I want to...
So here's another day I'll spend away from you Another night I'm on another broken avenue My bag is ripped and worn Then again now so am I Take what you want to take What you...
You should try the special, it's really good. Yeah! Okay, lets split it! So...Jason tells me you're a bartender downtown. Yeah I do...its okay. But my real passion is playing the...
This painting is titled Corpus II and there was a... this was I believe in 2010, and I have been pursuing a medium called encaustics. Ever since I saw the work of one of my teachers at Sonoma State, a...
Looking out from my window. All i see is a rainy day. I see the clouds in the sky. What i feel inside is pure grey. I press my ears to the glass. i can hear the drops clearly say. Some time ago you...



Greetings to the former affiliates of the now-defunct organization once known as the black barge collective. We are the Galactic Fifth Column. Know that we infiltrated your ranks, converted your...
Parado solo, en el hollín y la piedra... ...saca de su funda, un hombre. Llorando solo, en el hollín y la piedra... ...hace su camino a casa a medio morir. En tiempo... en vano. Lavo mis manos del...

