Hi, this is Naima Cozier with AIDS.gov. Today we are at the White House LGBT conference on HIV/AIDS. We have the honor of speaking with Dr. Grant Colfax, director of the White House Office of National...
Black, gay and Jewish works in a lot of different ways and different settings. I think a lot about who I am and what I do as a person is to allow you to see those things from me. So, I’m someone who...
['The Rising C'] Hi, crowd of none. There's been an awful lot of rainbows in the local area over the last week or so and I couldn't help but feeling that this...
Hey guys whatsup this is Montre and today I'm gonna be talking about the five different types at gay guys are you on this list? stay tuned so as you can tell I got a new intro yay me! I will...
My name is Monroh, I currently work in retail, and I'm going to school for social work in the fall. One incident that I had with the NYPD was when I was walking with a couple of friends of the...
rick sent or on having to defend himself about a comment where he is alleged two cents that i don't wanna make black people's lives better by giving them someone else's money...
Hey guys what's up? My name's Ty and I know that I havent been on here in a really long time...but....im back....and sorry..... and please don't hate me anyways what I wanted...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;}...
Our quest for Batterys is complete! and we have changed drasticly Its been like two fucking hours Alright take a picture of me bitch Its video We have got markers awwwrrtggtej yeah we buying a marker...