Real high delta function, real sharp, peek of probability because you've got the record, it's in the system. So historical um, you know staying within what historic demands would make...



>>Asante I love teaching. I don't love grading to be honest with you but I do love teaching. [music fades in] >> Teaching is one of the great professions in the...
I remember once, in a room I did tell that racism hits me every single day of my life. And I was nearly in tears, and the white women in that room stopped talking to me. As someone who's been...
you know I don't know where I don't know where all of a sudden they could build amazing structure the first thing they bill was the first gothic Catedral shot you scattered role in...
So now these were the fasting of the month of Ramadhan, Now I will discuss some other days of fast, other than the month of Ramadhan which people donít know. Normally, the month of Ramadhan is very...
Professor Amy Hungerford: My first lecture on The Known World focused on the question of knowledge and the problems of knowledge that the text raises for us throughout, both at the formal level and at...
(Ms. Peppers). But it's even worse if you were light complected. It would just be multiplied. (Mrs. Tukes). At the time, it was worse if you were darker skinned, because I was a darker skinned...
What has been aimed at the Presidency for the past 8 months could well be labelled, "Black Propaganda" It's the media weapon that could manipulate people's minds, and...
WAI CHEE DIMOCK: So let me just start with Faulkner. This is a really interesting image of Faulkner in Japan. We know that Faulker so much associated with Oxford, Mississippi. But he actually traveled...
Story 39 Smearing stool PRABHUPĀDA: Prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni [Bg. 3.27]; nature is so strong that you must die. “I am very strong.” Ah, you may be very strong, that’s all right, but you must. There…...