Aaron Waugh book Brutally Honest OUT NOW www.amazon.com I've, added a few, short video's of my philosophies of life, that I wrote of in book. I share, my philosophies of life, in my...
Hey! I am Mark Black and welcome to expertvillage.com. We are going to be talking about vocal performance. I want to talk about four primary problems of the vocalist and this is not something that…...
Approaching The Eschaton Terence McKenna Everyone's lives are touched by deep magic. What the universe is doing is it is under the sway of what we call the transcendental object at the end of...
Hey! I am Mark Black and welcome to expertvillage.com. We are going to be talking about vocal performance. Just to mention that this is a cardinal sin to many voice teachers but not me: coffee and...
MITCHELL: Good morning. I'm Andrea Mitchell from NBC News and MSNBC, and it's my honor to introduce the director of central intelligence, John Brennan, who as -- after a career at CIA...
now is in the full feel it breathe it you are this ever constant will onward upwards vigor purpose love life thoughts have the greatest energy initiate you are an agency of intelligence BLESS you...
[applause] PRES. KINGTON: Thank you. Man, if only my mother who’s a fourth generation Texan were here now. It’s a great pleasure to be here today and I want to thank you, Reverend Ford, for your...
(Dr. Janice Collins). Okay great, now let me ask this just in case, just for clarification. What is Africana Studies, African American Studies, Black History, how would you classify or how would you...
What we care to look at in this talk is an exiting question that not just interest scientists but also interest parents, employers, and indeed, and the citizens of the 21st century. And the reason is...