This is Sean for Expert Village. Hopping into the 540 can be kind of the toughest thing. When you make the whole rotation around after you have already spun, you are going to want to make sure you can...



In a later unit I'm going to be talking about that in greater depth but basically what I just did was take the bunnyhop skills that we've already talked about and applied them to a...
Here I'm going to show you basically jumping technique basically what I just did I made sure to gage my speed properly so in that case with a roll that I had I made sure I get a good pump I...
Bunnyhopping off onto an object is actually a little different than bunnyhopping over an object is kind of that it may seem. A lot of time the people find that if there bunnyhopping onto an object...
As I said before the first part to having a really strong bunnyhop is making sure that you front end up nice and high. The same time you have a really wimpy second stage to your hop you know if your...
The next grind we are going to talk about is the double peg grind. Much like the name implies, all it means is that you are sliding across an object on both of your pegs. This one a lot of people...



The "Tail tap" is one of the elementary deck tricks that you are going to learn. It employs a lot the aspects of more complicated lift tricks, especially gauging speed, making sure...
That right there is quarter pipe carve. One of the most basic maneuvers that you can possibly learn at a skate park but it really gives you all the right foundations for learning how to do more...



Once you've gotten the sense down for carving, that lays all the proper foundations for learning how to do an air. Basically it is more or less the same thing. You just go a little bit faster,...
The front end of your bike as I said before is essential to the first part of a proper 3 section bunnyhop you want to make sure like I said before that you get your front wheel off the ground. To a...