[Darris McNeely] Today's the day that everyone's going to be coming out with all of their costumes and robes, colors that represent the prince of darkness, the dead, the undead. All...
There we go. We got it, Bob! Hi! Sorry, we're running a little bit late. Excuse me a second. Hey Bob, think fast! [Glass breaking] [Shouting] Sorry, man! Welcome to 'Culture in...
In our previous section we talked about the interesting but somewhat outdated Frankfurter School. Let’s discuss two other, more modern, schools. The Birmingham and the Toronto School. Like the...
>>Matt Ridley: Well, I want to do something very irrational today. I want to talk about optimism. It is not actually irrational to be an optimist, but it is so unfashionable that it...
Two point two seconds of pure stoke and fear. It's the eye candy everybody wants to see. But it's only a fraction of the story. What you don't see - the everything else that...
male voice 1: Well, no matter where you work, it's probably not as cool as the companies you're about to see. Tonight at the EMP, in Seattle, the Geek Wire Awards will be handed out to...
Now you remember from last week that we're in the moment of phasing out of the 1960s, moving into the 1970s, but of course, human actions, inactions, chronology, is not simply as neat as dates...