- You guys, let's just start without her. - No. If this is gonna be our official sorority meeting, then we're gonna do it right. Here we go. One for you, and one for you, and one for you. - Thank you....
David, get out of here. Mom. l'm sorry. l didn't know you were in here. Get out of here, now. - Get out-- - l'm going, l'm sorry. Oh, my God. - You got season tickets to the Kings? - Yeah. - Maybe...
Dinner wasn't that bad|once we got past the two-hour wait. It was just so damn loud in there,|we couldn't even talk. We were lucky even to get in there.|Everybody wants to eat there. Yeah, that's this...
How many of those things|do you go through a week? Depends whose face I see on the ball. - Wood, huh?|- Yeah. - Bjorn Borg used a racquet like this.|- I'm impressed. Then again, you're an impressive...
Keep it, buddy. Brandon. Brandon. Brandon. Get out of bed, pokey. You don't wanna be late|for school, do you? I can't believe that summer's over. I was having the best dream. You won't believe|the...
Yo, West Beverly, don't forget West Beverly and Beverly|get together this Friday for the annual winter dance|starting at 8 p. m. in the West Beverly gym. Be there. God, I'll be glad|when finals are...
Look, I can help you manage|your finances. It's what I do, and I do it very well. But if you keep putting this off,|two things will happen. You will be flat broke. And you will be in a lot of pain. If...
How could I have been so stupid? How could I have left the country|without my driver's licence? Brenda, please, relax. Dylan, you don't understand. When I called home,|my dad was so furious he...
Yo, yo, yo! Look sharp, ladies.|Only two more days to enter you and your momma|in West Beverly High's annual fashion extravaganza for charity. Dress cool for your school in clothes|donated by your...
- Put it down here.|- All right. Five bucks. Taking off already? Yeah, I gotta get home. - Dinner with Mom.|- Yeah. I had a mother once. Hey, your game's|getting pretty solid, McKay. Well, thanks....