You know what I'd really like? Let me guess. What I really wish is that|I didn't have to go home so early. So why don't you forget|your curfew? Oh, yeah, right, "Mom, Dad,|I'll be home whenever I...
Hold on tight. Spin me again! Spin me again! No, that's enough spinning. Come down here and order your dinner. Aw, Mom, do we have to? Yes. All right. What'll it be, sport? An ice cream sundae or a...
Okay, guys. Ready? Let's go. Looking for something? - What's it to you?|- Don't make me turn you in, Kirk. Well, don't make me use this. I'll do it.|I swear I'll do it. You want to cut me? Go...
Keep the pressure on, gentlemen.|Brandon, let's see some teamwork. Dylan, kick that puck out.|Come on, Dylan, dive for it. - Keep your head up, buddy.|- All right, man, you're gonna die. - You gotta...
Oh, that was so embarrassing. Mr. Suiter must think|I'm a complete idiot. Andrea, it was just an exercise. - Yeah, we all have to do it.|- It was so humiliating. Standing there and quacking|in front...
Andrea. Andrea, this is getting a little out of hand. Sorry, Brandon, l can't help you. l'm busy right now, all right? - Guys, come on. - We're having fun. Well, l'm glad someone is. Oh, well, which...
Look, Brandon is perfectly aware he's working on a deadline, what do you say we just leave him alone, okay? l don't get how we're supposed to lay out the paper without Brandon's editorial. Craig, it's...
- Hey, Andrea.|- Hey, Brandon. Did your pumpkin|have a litter or something? No, this is for the kids' party|at the Valley Youth Center. This way, each one has something. - Oh, isn't that sweet?|-...
Brenda, we have to choose a scene. What about a scene|from Annie Hall? I look good in hats. It takes|a certain person to look good in a hat. Well, you've got Diane Keaton's hat, but I'm not playing...
This is Brandon's locker. Not anymore.|They just assigned it to me. But I could be Brandon if you want. Morning, Andrea. Brandon, what are you doing|over here? I heard locker values appreciate|quicker...