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This is how we shmoop it… The point (4, 6) lies on a line that has a slope of 2. What is the y-intercept point of the line? And here are the potential answers… So… what is this question asking? Can...



Wuuu...wuuuu..waaazaa!! Wazza guys! Wazza, thanks for watching my Kingdom Rush gameplay video till the end... really appreciate it and um I really appreciate all of my Youtube video...vid.. whoa.....
MALE SPEAKER: What's going on back there? CHRIS CHRISTENSON: That's old Chief Two Beers, little dismount before the trip. Hopefully they're done before it gets dark. Just...
Uh, Does anyone know what the f**k we're doing? Not a damn clue. Cause I don't see jack sh... Holy s**t! That motherf***r's huge! Holy s**t man! Lets bomb the piss out of this...
Hi I’m Jess and I’m Shea and we’re Toucan. What does playing at The Big Day Out represent for you? It’s amazing to be part of such a great line-up How did you two connect? We met studying at the...
Hey mom and dad listen up, you have to pay attention right now to these LoudEnough Earphones. Now if you're worried about the kiddies blowing out their ears with all the loud music coming from...
Hello everybody my name is Logan Altman with Wearable Imaging. I'd like to showcasing to you that's going to absolutely blow your minds. What we've got here is your portable...
It’d be easy to go off on a rant about Capcom and Legends 3 and how much they have it out for Mega Man and his fans... but that’s not what the season’s about. A fan-made production, which could’ve...
When i was a little girl my mom told me I was gonna grow up and do great things I miss her so much After she died, I was sent to an orphanage. I was adopted by a doctor who made me his new science...