ELMESÉLEK EGY TÖRTÉNETET Emlékszem, mikor először hallottalak játszani. Előtte semmi olyan szépet nem hallottam még. KORÁNAK LEGJOBB HEGEDŰSE VOLT Istenem! Elegem van belőle, hogy mindent nekem kell...



Θυμάμαι πολύ καιρό πριν, είχα την εντολή να πάρω την ζωή κάποιου κύριου Aσούρ... στο Tατζ Μαχάλ στην Ινδία! Tην προηγούμενη μέρα τον πέτυχα τυχαία στην αγορά της Ιερουσαλήμ! - Οι ντομάτες πόσο πάνε;...



new school new day new tragic it thin i'll fit in 223, 224 hmm it works better get to class Well there is some loser Uhh what What an idiot she must be a stupid baka baka baka SNOWTS SNOWTS I...
Lafleche ziplining by TravelPod member starlagurl Lafleche ziplining by TravelPod member starlagurl Lafleche ziplining by TravelPod member starlagurl Me vs. zipline by TravelPod member starlagurl...
Okay, your powers of reflection Fly more lower than a pig´s behind But stupid as you are, pay attention! Rebels and lion are rebelling I see your eyes without expression That I must light your...
Do you want to design a doodle for Google? You are invited to submit your doodle to "I Love Football 2010" For a chance to see your art worldwide on the Google homepage. In our very...
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, I'm Kousha, a community manager at Google. We receive oodles of questions about Google doodles, like, who makes them, or how the themes get selected. Doodles are fun and...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf250 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
>>Chris: Hello Missouri State! I’m Christopher Polley your Student Body President! >>Kristen: And I’m Kristen Sanocki! The Student Body Vice President!...
>>CP: Hey Missouri State, I’m Christopher Polley your Student Body President. >>KS: And I’m Kristen Sanocki your Student Body Vice President. >>CP: Your...