We all want to escape our circumstances, don't we? Especially if you are an actor.
I've always wanted to play a spy, because it is the ultimate acting exercise. You are never what you seem.
To get a horse to hit a mark without a rider, to get it to stand up, to get it to rear, to get it to pick up a bucket and bring it over is amazing. It's hard work and very rewarding but can be...
I was always performing, doing silly voices. The teachers realized I could go one of two ways: be creative or destructive.
I'm not confident in social situations; just going up to someone in a bar and saying 'Hi' is going to be even more difficult because they won't know the real me. They will just know me as a fictional...
When you're a kid, 'Star Trek' is a slower burn. It's funny, it's entertaining, but it also has a maturity about it - which is its universal appeal, I think.
I had the privilege of being able to choose, or at least have the opportunity to work at, being anything but an actor.
I got live tweeted once by someone who was opposite my home in some rented accommodation. He was actually describing on twitter what I was doing. 'I took a shirt off, I went to the window, I put a...
My mum and dad had worked incredibly hard to afford me an education.
As an actor, you are aware of how a role can seep into your real life.