Payday Loans Denver Residents Can Count On! What do you do when.... Suddenly your car breaks down? Or there's an unexpected medical bill? Or even a an urgent family emergency? And...
REIHAN SALAM: Hi, everyone. Welcome back to Big Tent. So we've talked about, in the first panel, we talked about the digital playground, and keeping it safe, and cultivating digital...
Today, December 29, eminent Canadian medical doctor Sir William Osler, is remembered. Born in Bond Head, Ontario in 1849, he passed away on this day in 1919. In his book, “The Principles and Practice...
Here comes an old way to fuck up my life, leash up my will, waste out my time Now thoughts I don't have on facts I don't care rule conversations I neglect Wooooooooooooooooah Bring me...
What kind of dreams will you pursue? Donna yume nara oikakeru no? You seem to just mutter away the answer. Kimi ga tsubuya kumi tai ni yuu The future which seemed so very distant, Tooi saki datta...
I believe in God, the boundless Love that never knows an end A love for enemy as well as friend I believe in following Jesus Path from which I sometimes stray I believe to believe is to do, and not...
Students will take to the streets tomorrow in protest against the Budget. The Minister of Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, Steven Joyce, has already made announcements about cutting the...
Before and After - Junk Valet if you're watching this video it means you've got too much junk it's taking over your life it may be cluttering your home, your garage, your yard...
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Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever. Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever. Radiant Light, (Jesus) O sun divine (Christ) of our God's deathless face....