Hi this is Soezimax. Here comes beer time again. MARTENS PILS. It's Belgian beer. I found the first time. Good color. The package design is style of Europe. What about the taste? Will it be...



(phone rings) (moans softly) Hello? Are you awake? At 2:30 in the morning? You betcha. I think I'm pregnant. Oh, God, can I not be awake? How is that even possible? What kind of question is...
I guess my favorite childhood memory would be the year my mom and I lived in Mexico. Really? You lived there? Well, not on purpose. It was more of a... border crossing situation. Did you lose your...
Hi, I'm Bonnie, I'm an alcoholic. GROUP: Hi, Bonnie. I know I usually use this forum to talk about my romantic travails. AKA "fellatio." But that's not what...
♪ ♪ Hey, uh... where are we? I thought you were driving me home. Oh, I am. I just took a little detour to give you a taste of what I do for a living. (exhales) See that stop sign? Yeah. As a Sonoma...



I'm getting a lot of complaints. (crying): Really? About what? Well, apparently, one of my waitresses is having a nervous breakdown. Is it Jennifer? You're making this about me? No,...
You ready to do our affirmations? Do we have to? It's stupid. Uh-oh, sounds like someone needs a little gratitude in their attitude. Ugh. MAN (over stereo): Joy floods my thoughts and my life....
Previously on Mom... You have no right to tell me who I can and cannot see! What are you saying, we're not monogamous? Gabriel, you're married. We do it once a month, and I...
(crying): I think you'll find our... Napa Chardonnay to have hints of vanilla and caramel with a velvety smooth finish. (sobs) Are you all right? Some days are better than others. Thanks for...
Is it just me, or is Dolores a little too old to be wearing a skirt that short to a meeting? Yeah. When you're 70, (laughs) And I don't think she was wearing underwear. Oh, I was...