<font color="#ffff00" size=14>www.moviesubtitles.org</font> <font color="03D3FF" size=14><B> I Hope You...
Legendado por: @sonoisgabriel Harry Potter... Lutaram bravamente... Mas deixe seus amigos morrer por você, como levantar contra mim. Em 15 de Julho Está noite... Apenas uma pessoa Junte-se a mim......



Traduzido por: @sonoisgabriel Muitas agências são feitas para proteger a seguraça do cidadões da nação Mas quando há um crime nesta terra Somente um grupo pode fazer hístoria na ordem Agência...



Encoded by RippeR It's beautiful here. It was our aunt’s. We used to come here as kids. The Order uses it now as a safe house. What's left of us at least. Muggles think these things...
Sirius No NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I killed Sirius Black, are you coming to get me Harry? Stupefy I thought you were here to avenge my dear cousin I am Did you love him, little baby Potter? Crucio! Protego...
Sunset at Alona by TravelPod member timjac2010 Alona beach by TravelPod member timjac2010 Sunset at Alona by TravelPod member timjac2010 Bohol by TravelPod member timjac2010 Spanish bloodpact statue...
Harry Potter and the Seven Deadly Sins The Harry Potter books talk abut magic, witchcratf and occultism! Cristal balls, curses, three-headed dogs! Death, Light, Fire, Destruction! Obviously, the Harry...
Violet Song Jat Shariff. What are you thinking? We're not Blood Chinois. We're as fast as you. We're as strong as you. Yeah. But... are you one-tenth as pissed off as I am?...
-I'm the Chosen One -I am the son of Poseidon -What do we do? -I'm your Protector -The three of us would figure it out -Don't ever let your opponent distracts you If your son...