I’m Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis. Before we started recording, I was talking to my Labor Department colleagues standing here today. Each of them makes a valuable contribution to American workers. A...
Church 1 by TravelPod member jklegit13 Church 2 by TravelPod member jklegit13 Church 2-a by TravelPod member jklegit13 Looking back by TravelPod member jklegit13 Arch 1 by TravelPod member jklegit13...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \vieww10100\viewh12520\viewkind0 \deftab720...
(classroom noise) (students conversing) (school bell rings) ♪♪ (President James E. Faust) There are so many in the world who do not seem to know or care about right or wrong. I wish to speak to you...
Erik: How has returning to California Berkley to get your PhD strengthened your passion for education and sharpened your purpose? Diana: I think it’s about informing -definitely to create sharper,...
Hey what's up Rehabbers across the world. Trent here. Connect with me. TrentShelton.com. Twitter Trent Shelton. Instagram Trent Shelton. Facebook Like Trent Shelton. Another week, another...
Welcome to part two. In part one, we talked about some of the ways you can get better smartphone videos. Here're a few more tips for you. When you interview somebody or you talk to somebody on...
"The Prosperity Plan." It's empty. Why? Well, hi. James, from EngVid. I have a book, and it says "Prosperity Plan". I know you're here to learn...
#i want to make #little things are big things #enjoy little things #i learn #better days #Things That Make Me Think of You #you don't need me #We Want Easy #GO GROW SOMETHING #i'm going to be posting a bunch of weird shit #try something new #go hard #it really is a good book #I know what I'm doing this weekend! #iknowthatsright #booksarefun #go get it #readthesebooks #bad books #tryagainlater #i dont talk #Me - BOOKS I WANT TO READ #english schools #not really #i'm so sorry #I am so funny right #i'm funny #be better #a better you #get what you need #i learn new things every day #stop making me try #but I'm really upset right now #The Better Show #wellwhatdoyouknow #theygotitgood #not thinking about her at all #the things i get #I think about you #I'm not hard to shop for #artrovert #I Have Got To Try These Recipes #bebetter #A better me #speak now #things to look at #thelittlethingsman #getwellschumi #peoplewhoactuallydotheirjob #Things I Make #It's hard #Stuff I want to make #A Different Way To Get Around #trying again #things getting hard #Good To Know Info #i shoulld know it better #wehavewhatyouneed #English Videos #book giving #play to learn #not now #playislearning #naturallearning #try it at home #I'm okay #idontnormallydothis #little secret #good thinking #getgivegrow #not not fun #don't know what to do #eeazy3 #thisadultthing #how do you know me #iwillmakeit #now - there's an idea #18daysofbooks #fun learning #me speaks #Play it again #and there all #dontstopgetitgetit #dont try hard #don't try hard #talking book

