Ooh it's Paddy, and he's introducing himself, he's gonna' play games lol lol ol lol, I don't know why I'm singing, I'm making this up,...



>>Female Presenter: OK. Good afternoon. Welcome. My name is Alana Weiss from the Google EDU team and today, it is my pleasure to welcome Stan Slap to the Leading@Google series. For Stan...
That was just wrong. okay are you playing yet? Ohhh you are. I don't know what I'm doing though. What's that? That's a projector. I go through this? No, the door. That?...
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roared canes what do we did particularly hard but figured it was supposed to be contradictory policy everyday the he would probably not because they don't think you know withhold loaded...



Rick Galles: Were really proud of the association between the Galles' and the Unser's. Bobby Unser: This year giving away a Camaro, that's pretty good deal. Rick Galles:...



you'll under and lead you're not you know being reported preagreed okay uh... i love you arctic admission to harvard we've got practice yet to be looking at owned will have a...
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I took a pregnancy test because I was worried about being pregnant, but it came back negative. Could I still be pregnant with a negative blood test? That can happen. How? If you tested before the...
Now when wigan school boys, Martin Keaton and Brian Cashin were on the bus home yesterday, they were no doubt thinking what they were going to have for their tea. But just a few minutes into that...