I'm ready to gloom, I'm ready to go Got Madonna blaring out the stereo And wonderbread says he's beautiful I wonder why I drive to this waxwork show. 'Cause I'm a mystic, I'm a superqueen, I use up...



NOGRADY: Today really marks the first stage of an unprecedented technological advancement. We have begun to identify so-called Goldilocks planets. These are planets that share a similar relationship...
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Hi my name is Carlos Ramos Jr. coming to you on behalf of Expert Village and today we are talking about a variety of games that you could played with dice. The next game that we are going to play is a...



[HUGE SPLASH] I'd like to welcome you all to the RIMPAC international naval war games. I've got unknown surface contact, 8,000 yards. Is this some kind of exercise? Probably. I want to...



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[MUSIC PLAYING] It's an action-packed movie. Taylor, you're actually a maritime warfare officer on one of the destroyers. Yeah, I liked fighting the ship. I liked being right in the...



Welcome from AC News, let's see today's trailer and cinema news is coming up! James Franco has evidently a talent for playing cultural gay icons. Like Allen Ginsberg in Howl back in...
Hi and welcome to AC News! Here’s today’s video clip, movie news are coming up! Emily Blunt has lots of projects going on right now. The light comedy Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, where she co-stars...
(2nd row, 2nd from the left) "Glorious" We were taught alsways to show respect to everybody. Attacks on civilians, especially on women and children never occurred, in spite of what...