Okay so I am speaking to Richard Walker, he is the Chair of Speaking Up for Southwark. We would like to ask you a few questions about hate crime. How would you describe hate crime itself? Well hate...
This year for the first time we are not publishing any figures on executions in China for a simple reason that the Chinese government continues despite repeated appeals to maintain secrecy around the...



The state of Ohio executed convicted murderer and rapist Dennis McGuire Thursday via lethal injection. But witnesses say an experimental cocktail of drugs used by the state may have caused McGuire...
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"Needs to be backed by strong action". Mamta Sharma NCW chairperson. the gangrape of a 23-year-old paramedic student as a shameful incident not just for Delhi, but for the entire...



Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez returns home after surgery. The head of state was welcomed by a crowd of thousands as he addressed the nation in person on Monday, July 4 for the first time since...
Hi, I'm Mat from eSpares. Now if your brush roll has stopped spinning on your Bissell vacuum, there's a high chance that the belt has snapped or become loose from the motor spindle...