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Um..I am here at @rcade con '13 with my friend Fergus who is in the bathroom right now. I'm gonna show ye the room cause I was gonna do it a while ago but it mightened be as good as it...
Hey guys, Matt Weiss here, www.Weiss-Sound.com, www.TheProAudioFiles.com. Today I'm going to demonstrate the idea that sometimes affecting one thing is really about how the other things around...
In hip hop there's this idea of competitive sound. It's pretty unique to the genre but it's still pretty important, and it's actually filtered into other...
All right guys, Matthew Weiss, www.weiss-sound.com, www.theproaudiofiles.com. I got a really cool one for you today. We are basically going to be delving into the process of what separates good mixing...
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Hey Fangirls! So some of you might remember me from a while back when I posted my first (and now thankfully deleted) video. That was a long while back and yeah. The dumb video days are hopefully over....
Kampuchan Temple by TravelPod member keatster At the orphanage by TravelPod member keatster Temple in Kampuchan by TravelPod member keatster Temple in Kampuchan by TravelPod member keatster Temple in...