Begin seated with the legs extended in front of you. Allow the left toes to roll outward, opening up the hip, then bend the knee and pull the left heel towards the pelvis. Grab the ankle to draw the...
Hi I’m Adrienne and this is Yoga Basics. Setting a Strong Foundation with Tadasana. Let's begin at your base. Stand with feet parallel, toes pointing forward. Experiment with the placement of...
Let's begin by coming to hands and knees in Table Top Position with the hands below the shoulders and knees directly below the hips. Walk the hands one palms distance forward and spread the...
Begin lying flat on your back. Plant the feet hips-width apart on the floor about six inches in front of your bum. Extend the arms down by your sides with palms flat on the floor. Press down through...
As always, let's begin at your base. Come into a wide-legged stance with toes pointing forward, hands on your hips. Turn the left toes out to a 90 degree angle so the toes face the top of your...
Fill hits are for when you're doing a beat and it's getting boring, so you need to add a little extra flavor into it. With fill hits you want to keep your mouth really tight. And you...



Ajanayasa is a version of your high lunge. So, we'll use an inhale to step your right foot back. Finding out what your lunge looks like here, presenting the right foot into the asana. So take...
Wind relieving pose is wonderful for the digestive system. It also gives a little massage to the abdominal organs and gives a massage to the kidneys as well giving a nice stretch to the lower back,...
This is laying spinal twist to our left. Arms out into a T position. Rest those shoulders onto the earth. Lifting both legs bent up to the sky into a ninety degree position. And then gently rotating...

