Inner thigh is another very easy relaxing posture. Bring your feet up and put your feet together and let your heels come in. You try to hold on to those toes but if that is difficult for you, move...
Moving into happy baby. Rocking from side to side, knees are bent, gently letting the spine be nurtured through happy baby, using the elbow to help us rock from side to side and transitioning into...
I'm Linda Black here to show you how to do a downward facing dog and transitioning into a high plank position ready for a chataranga in our next clip. So to help me with that, Debbie, Gentry,...
My name is Jason. I'm with Hi-tech Window Cleaning. In this segment, I'm going to talk about some insurance requirements, and why they're in place. When you're a...
We're gonna need your bolster. If your hamstrings are really tight, you're gonna need a block. Because we're going to do Dandasana, or Seated Staff Pose. And if you need extra...
What's up everyone? Welcome to the Yoga with Adriene blog. I am Adriene. Today, we are talking about yoga for beginners; people who want try to yoga or maybe have tried yoga it back in the...
Begin lying on your stomach with the tops of the feet and forehead to the floor. Place the hands directly underneath the shoulders, spread the fingers, press down through the palms, roll the shoulder...
Begin seated with your legs extended in front of you. Allow the feet to roll away from each other. Grasping the inner thighs or shins, slowly draw the heels towards the pelvis, bringing the soles of...
Begin on your hands and knees in table top position. Align the knees directly under the hips and hands directly under the shoulders. With the middle finger pointing forward, spread your fingers and...