Hi. I am Rhiannon from DollFaceRee. And welcome back to my Videojug series Viva La Summer. This week, I am going to be showing you how to accessorize for a summer wedding for under 30 pounds. [Music]...
Well, there must be some way out of this mess. Everybody think. Hey, I've got it. We can enter that "search for the stars" contest. First prize Is exactly $20,000. Hey,...
I rest my case. ( <i>doorbell rings</i> ) Hi. I'm doug simpson. Marcia's date? Oh, right-- the big man on campus. Come on in, doug. Marcia, doug's...
Mike: Keep your eyes peeled, everybody. Breaker, one-nine, breaker, one-nine, This is christmas carol. Honey, no one's answered us in years. Oh, mike, I have to try. Breaker, one-nine, do you...
I want to ask donna leonard To go out for a soda after school. All right, but no hot-rodding. Thanks, mom. She's the most far-out chick in my class. You wouldn't believe How much I dig...
I really had a great time, marcia. Yeah, me, too, charlie. Well, uh... Bye. Bye. Uh, marcia? So, um... Can, uh... Can I have a kiss good night? Yeah. Okay, charlie. Marcia... I think I just felt your...
Hi guys! So welcome to my first nail art tutorial and before we begin i want to thank you so much for all the sweet comments and e-mails that I got after my previous video It was pretty scary...
which i do great guest he's the author of cornered the new monopoly capitals in the economics of destruction he's also senior fellow at the new american foundation and he's...