{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Bad news for my friends in...
Hello, I'm Janet Dudley-Eshbach, and I'm President of Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland. The American Library Association reports that more than 11,000 books have been...
Hi, I'm Allison Epstein and I'm going to read from Sylvia Plath's, "The Bell Jar". I thought drowning must be the kindest way to die and burning the worst....
- Ian looks so much better with the bowl haircut ! - Shut Up ! In 2007 we made a video that we deemed too inappropriate to release. But now that everything we release is inappropriate, we've...
big cycling news breaking onto itu sports right here as i do this developments are coming and but the reports tonight are that lance armstrong will no longer fight against the charges against him that...
this episode of the young texas brought to you by boeing co the world's leading wi-fi network sign up a point dot com slash t y t school district in new hampshire has decided to ban safe-sex...
After the tragic Boston Marathon bombing last year, the Boston Athletic Association is not taking any chances, banning a wide range of items from this year's race. Official participants are...



this episode of the abstract is brought to you by sprint and your car at a nearly has been and because i haven't settled content so this is an absolute we're not uh... renault redirect...
this episode of the young texans brought to you by audible dot com everybody out but at about podcast dot com slash t y t you have no legal right to sex and you never have apparently in fact in the...
our talks and it is a fourteen-year-old goalkeeper in britain and apparently he has tourette syndrome and jury one call it that the referee major in one game uh... he became very upset he...