Chicken: Moose! Moose! Wait up! Wait, wait for me, Moose! Moose: *sigh* Chicken: Moose! Where are you going? Moose: If I tell you, do you promise to not sing a song about it? Chicken: That’s really...
You are my soul brother, actually the friend that in every way and for nothing, is always with me. Even if you are a man you still have the soul of a child, that gives me his friendship, his respect...
After 22 years being associated with BioScience in terms of R&D, Production, QC, QA and other functions, I received my first fruitful business lectures from MasterClass, being a CEO of a...



(Start theme music, Chicago Brass Groove) Hi and welcome back to Take 5 with Leisa Today I'm with David Baker Hello David's just come back from a trip to London To check out... Hi I'm Ruth the Charitymanager at all RWE Npower Supporting MacMillan Cancer Care part in that meeting support we've got it right 20 take heart wanna people taking...



you up to date on that and online this is Swindon 105.5fm cool museums and heritage since when and today here we are four very special occasion launch of the new Monopoly board...



Angie, Angie, when will those clouds all disappear? Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here? With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats You can't say we're satisfied...
We're here live at Beika City Hall for the spectacular premier of the newest in gaming technology. Once inside the game, you journey to 19th century London. You're right, we're...



Every guy from the age of six wants to see a naked woman. I'm talking about real women, not skinny little girls posting up their skanky pics online. Real women. Like, experienced women. And...
welcome a matter of life and today I have a wonderful show in store for all love you we're having to start off with our first three guests on first is little baby sylvia and her twin sister...

