Bad catholic schoolgirls

AG = Awesome Gorgeous' lyrics ST = Special T's lyrics AG (ST) Bad Catholic Schoolgirls (and we're number one) Bad Catholic Schoolgirls (we get the job done) Bad Catholic Schoolgirls (we can't be beat)...
AG = Awesome Gorgeous' lyrics ST = Special T's lyrics chorus- Sex, Drugs, Rock N Roll All we think about and all we know Don't you know that's all we're here for Nothin we give a fuck about in this...
AG = Awesome Gorgeous' lyrics ST = Special T's lyrics AG: What's wrong with the bitches in here, T? I'm usin' all my best lines.. but I can't get any Like 'You, Me, and a midget makes three.' 'I was...
AG = Awesome Gorgeous' lyrics ST = Special T's lyrics st: hey, how y'all doin' today special t here and i got somethin to say i'll get straight to the point - i love masturbation the hand solo is the...
AG = Awesome Gorgeous' lyrics ST = Special T's lyrics Both: i drink crest! that shit's the best better than a wet tshirt contest from across the room you can smell my breath 'cause crest! ...that...