English Sync Seiko M-I-N-I look at me (ha~) Let's go mini mini baby, my own mini mini Breathtaking pretty, so pretty Mini mini baby, my own mini mini (ooh waaaaoh~) A little awkward motion...
Hoje eu estou com problema Meu Himchan está triste Ele sabe que eu o amo, mas também gosto de me divertir Ontem a noite fui ver o maknae No climax JongUp entrou no quarto Começou a gritaria, então...



C.S.I 独家新闻!! B.A.P方容国恋情暴光 B.A.P方容国恋情是否属实??? 终于今天!! 在无处可循的C.S.I记者招待会上毫无保留地公开 记者永才: 据说 今天B.A.P又出了事故 记者大贤: 我早就知道啦! 记者永才: 今天要抓一条独家新闻吧! 今天要揭穿他们的一切! 到底! B.A.P的恋情真的属实吗? 方容国的天使是谁? B.A.P1004恋情暴光C.S.I记者招待会 蹦蹦 C...



Yeah return to battle field Pay attention everybody Err! Err! Errbody punch! burn it up (hooo) nalgaereul pyeo! da sorichyeo! make it loud! ... [Yongguk] One shot, let me tell you something that you...



Until now we analyzed extraterrestrial idols' behaviors and appearances, from now on we will talk about idols who revealed the fact that they are from different planet. I came from planet...
It doesn't make sense, you're so perfect My breathing quickens - this [can't be good] Your eyes, those lips, your everything shakes up my heart The unforgettable first feeling...



Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup B.A.P. Zelo, Yongguk, Himchan yeah, that's right. We party!! tomorrow's warm workplace the sun's hope is shining looking for one person, someone who...
You want to be a main character in a sad melodrama Even so, we can’t be – you’re so fake, it’s so obvious Other guys are comforting and hugging you Just imagining it disgusts me, automatically making...



Bien, ya no les vamos a dar la oportunidad de escoger la carne Les vamos a dar todo lo que queda Ustedes podrán ganarla toda si ganan el juego que les propondremos B.A.P competirá por el baile más...

