Hey Guys! Kenneth here! Today I'm going to talk about my newest puzzle the 3x3x5, and it's Fully Functional! As you can see the layers all turn pretty well. It does lock up every once...
Hey youtubers it’s charlie and this week agents of shield introduced a new major comic book character and stan lee made his illustrious cameo. It’s not a two parter, but the next episode is a direct...
What if you could unplug your messy old chargers now, What if you could unplug your messy old chargers now, and get a new charger for all your things -- One that's... almost invisible! A thing...
Hey youtubers it’s charlie, the full guardians of the galaxy trailer just posted so I wanted to do a review. We got 15 seconds this morning that included some of the comic con footage that people had...
Oppan Kim Jong style. Kim Jong style I am kim jeong-un and I'm not here to amuse ya No, not kim jeong-il sorry for the confusion Everybody thinks South Korea makes the best K-pop You know who...