[♪ music ♪] [LES MILLS PUMP - THIS MARCH] [male speaker] This march you can pump up your fitness, transform your body, and save $140. Welcome to LES MILLS PUMP. LES MILLS PUMP is a revolutionary...
[♪ music ♪] >>[female voice-over] Winter is ending. That means it's time to spring clean your mind and your body. So from March 4th to April 9th you can purchase the Beachbody...
Hey guys! So today I'm going to share with you my five minute stretching routine that I do after I go for a run. I always do at least some stretching. Sometimes I do five minutes, sometimes I...
[Cancun, Mexico - Moon Palace Resort - 2015 Success Club Trip] [How to Register and Get Your Trip Paid For] [Michael Neimand] Hey everybody, it's Michael, and I've got a question....
>>[male voice-over] This February you can get amazing results like these in only 21 days, and save $70. I feel amazing! I lost 10 pounds and 10 inches in 21 days. I mean, are you for...
Bench presses is not an option, you have to know how to do it first thing to take into account is the posture always pop out your chest, blocking your scapulae even though there are wide and narrow...
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We fly high, no lie, and you know this! Ballin'! Hey guys, it's Lunden and this week I have an abdominal workout for you with a stability ball! Okay, so, I have four exercises for you...
Hi guys, it's Greg with Get Fit With Greg and today I have a review. This time it is the 21 Day Fix review and I have seven FAQs that I am going to walk through in this video. Let's...
Hello again! Here I am going to talk about: Is It Possible To Lose Weight Without Exercising? We all like to live our lives just like a dream, as much easy and fun as possible, but so many people...