Hello, my name is Adam Davila. The name of my business is Crossfit Austin. My website is www.crossfitaustin.com. The next exercise I’m going to demonstrate is called ones and toes. This exercise is...



Hello my name is Adam Davila. The name of my business is Crossfit Austin. My website is https://www.crossfitaustin.com. The next exercise I will demonstrate is the eight count body build. The eight...
So next we're going to concentrate on the middle portion of the Sun Salutation. So, our Downward Facing Dog to our Plank to our Chaturanga to our Upward Facing Dog. So we're going to...
Hi, my name is Brandon Sarkis on behalf of Expert Village. Today I'm going to show you how to make peanut brittle. Let's go over our ingredients today. The first thing we are going to...



Ok, it's now time for the tail, So, we're going to start with a little bit of phthalo green, and I'm just bringing it out here so that I can test the density of it. So right...
We're going to cover the opportunity to start training a horse towards his lateral work. Sometimes lateral work sounds like a dressage term, but we know that everything that we do with our...
Continuing our putting it all together with the Nia technique, we continue with Cross Behind. Now this time we cross behind, your hands cross and open. Switch to the other side, your hands cross and...
Alright, we continue with the Cross Back Step as we're putting it all together with Nia. We cross back, this time we're going to add a little bit of a Shimmy. Shimmy is just a little...



The first part of taking this print out of the contact printer is squeezing these clips in the back, and that pulls it out. And here I have a piece of foam and my print and my negative. It's...
So I'm looking at these cyanotypes tone and they're really starting to tone quickly which is good. One thing about toning this actual paper that I made the prints on, some papers do...